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Jonah and the Eclipse of Ancient Nineveh

Bible Matters 369: Jonah and the Eclipse of Ancient Nineveh Jonah & the Eclipse of Ancient Nineveh by Ted Wright | Aug 17, 2017 | Archaeology and the Old Testament, Digging Deeper, Historiography, History, The Divided Monarchy | 3 comments An Ancient Lesson for a Modern World Stars & Planets For Signs & Seasons On […]

Salem and Nineveh

Bible Matters 370: Salem and Nineveh. Why the two witnesses of the Salem and then Nineveh eclipses, Seven years apart? The United States regime is pushing sin onto the world.   Worship of money, debt, promoting pornography, hate, war, murdering babies, mutilating children and adults for sex change, promotion of fornication, drugs and alcohol, stealing and […]

Nothing is as it first appears

Bible Matters 349: Nothing Is as it First Appears. As you look at God’s landscaping with the dicot wild ground covering and dandelions, man sees weeds.  God sees food for his living.  A pigeon strolled in and was plucking seeds from the dicot ground cover like a salad bar.  A red wing blackbird followed and […]

In the beginning…

Bible Matters 351: In the beginning… In the beginning…God created the heaven and the earth. In the end…God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Regardless as to how smart homo sapiens thinks they are or ever will be, they must first realize that something was here […]

Best You Now

Bible Matter 341: Best You Now God is clear in his word.  Above all else, he wants you to be the Best You Now.  You see, before you were formed in the womb, the Lord chose you.  Yes, the Creator of all things, chose you in the womb.  Isaiah 44:24 – Thus saith the Lord, […]


Bible Matters 346: Redemption This is the year of Redemption.   Accept his Blessings.  God is asking you to be part of his priesthood.  Use the power of Salvation to be his witness as a Minister of Salvation being led by the Spirit to the Lost so that can depart from their old flesh and with […]

Three Witnesses

Bible Matters 267 Three Witnesses Two came back from the dead.  Will you now believe?  Luke 16:30-31 – And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though […]

Testimony 2023

Bible Matters 320 – Testimony for 2023 I’d like to start this testimony out by telling you that I am not a medical doctor, nor have I been trained in the medical field.  I am not offering medical advice in this testimony and you should always check with your health care provider before you decide […]

Miracle at Lincoln Crawford

Bible Matters 287:  Miracle at Lincoln Crawford As my latest book, “A Bride of Christ” is being written, a family member, Warner, is passing from this life to the next.  He has struggled with declining health over the last several years.  He was raised by a Christian mother and grandmother that both loved God and […]

1/5/23 Miracle

Bible Matters 213: 1/5/23 Miracle On 1/15/23, I attended a morning church service where a very experienced bible teacher preached a simplified version of salvation as presented in Acts 16:31.  Acts 16:31- And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. While this is a verse out […]