A Rating Of One
Bible Matters 371: Rating of One.
From October of 2023 through March of 2024, God and I witnessed to over fifty churches with the gospel book, “A Bride of Christ.” The doctrine in “A Bride of Christ” establishes the truth in God’s word out of the mouth of two or three witnesses. I prayed to God days before each visit. At every visit, the pastor’s sermon subject matter reflected on one, two and sometimes three chapters out of “A Bride of Christ.” A week before one of the big church witnesses, God sent a snow storm to the West, so the pastor’s trip was cancelled. God wanted that pastor to be witnessed to with “A Bride of Christ.” That pastor spoke on three chapters from “A Bride of Christ.”
One pastor apparently doesn’t like the doctrine established by the truth in God’s word out of the mouth of two or three witnesses. He essentially quoted the preponderance of evidence testimony in “A Bride of Christ” as garbage! He gave my book a rating of 1 only because he couldn’t give it a zero! My friend Bill and I taught at least 15 men every week on God’s doctrine for 7 years. Every man in jail, is in there because of two witnesses. If God did not want us to know the truth in God’s word out of the mouth of two or three witnesses then he wouldn’t have said it many, many times from many witnesses in the Old and New Testament. Paul alone stated it 4 times in his epistles!
This is when I know I’m doing God’s work! Just because I judge no one and I can save no one, …these are the responses I received from the pastor’s at the church witnesses:
…I am called a heretic.
…We love for you to stay at our church, but you can’t teach here because you don’t believe like we do.
And now
…looking for the truth in God’s word out the mouth of two or three witnesses is garbage.
You see these big box churches like to throw this verse around:
2 Peter 1:20 – Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
And yes, they are the ones that are guilty of plucking individual verses and applying doctrine that is of private interpretation.
I know my books and websites will get a lot of 1 ratings from big box churches. For the people that want to learn, love and live the will of God, you all get a five.
I attended the 1 rating church on Wednesday before Easter. I prayed to God on Monday before the visit. The greeter at the door said it was a good night because they were celebrating the
last supper. The pastor saw a stranger in the church (me) and they pulled the bread and wine from the table In front of the podium and said they would celebrate on Easter!
God woke me up that Wednesday morning at 3 am and told me to look up the names of the two witnesses that came back from the promised land and told Moses that they could conquer the Giants, Caleb and Joshua! I got up and looked up the names!
That night, the pastor said Moses did not go to the promise land because of only striking the rock!
The pastor also preached on God not wanting woman to serve in the ministry.
For each of these I was able to give testimony after service to the pastor on God’s will out of the mouth of two witnesses.
Moses did several things against God’s will
1. Married an Ethiopian
2. Complained with the Hebrews about not having meat with the manna.
3. He didn’t listen to God’s witnesses, Caleb and Joshua.
4. He struck the rock twice for water when God told him to speak over the rock.
God gives us several opportunities to serve him. Moses failed multiple times.
God wants women to serve in his church. Chapter 31 in A Bride of Christ says that doctrine is God’s will as only one witness spoke against it. That pastor just alienated over 50% of his congregation! God tells you not to offend his little children!
God set that pastor up! The pastor took the bait. Judged A Bride of Christ and the doctrine of two witnesses from the flesh. That pastor didn’t give me a 1. He gave God a 1!
Never compare what you do against any body else. When you are running a race, you don’t look back to see how anyone else is running! Keep you eyes on glory land and look for ways to love and serve the things of God! God is looking for you to serve him.
To God be the glory in all you do, Amen.
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