Bible Matters 390: Introduction There are many ways to comprehend the contents of a book. I’ve taken several speed-reading courses and the instructions are similar. After that it is just practice, practice and more practice. One thing for sure is that you read the front matter of the book, the first chapter and the last […]
Bible Matters 392: Word John introduces “Word” in his gospel. No other New Testament witness uses a capitalized version of the “word.” John 1:1-2 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. Who or what is the […]
Your Giant
Bible Matters 248: Your Giant In your life, there is a giant or giants that are keeping you from getting victory in your life and preventing a relationship with Jesus Christ. God has directed your life so far and provided blessing after blessing and yet you fail to use the power of God for victory […]
Repentance – POE
Bible Matters 235: Repentance: Preponderance of Evidence To be converted from the child of the devil to the child of God requires you to act differently about sin. Jesus says that all unrighteous is sin. Forgiveness of sin in the Old Testament was by works of the flesh and sacrifice of animals and blood. In […]
Bible Matters 234: Drunkenness: Preponderance of Evidence Nothing leads to more destruction in relationships, home and careers than drunkenness. God promises Fruits of the Spirit for his followers that abide in his word. (See Bible Matter 209) You may be in a relationship, living in the sins of the flesh and you can’t understand why […]
Led by the Spirit – POE
Bible Matters 246 Led by the Spirit This Easter Season, as you celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, remember to recognize that this selfless act, performed by the Son of God, gave you life. When you are led by the Spirit, you will have this life more abundantly. John 10:10 – The […]
Bible Matters 230: Converted: Preponderance of Evidence. Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses the preponderance of evidence standard will confirm that a child of God has been converted as presented in the New Testament. No longer abiding in sin. Hypothesis: The lost, natural man walks in darkness with the devil. His […]
Born Again, Again
Bible Matters 200 Born Again, Again Death by God came to man in the Old Testament by water (Genesis 7) and fire (Genesis 19). God saw that the wickedness in man was great and it grieved his heart. Noah and Lot were found righteous in God’s eyes and he had mercy on them. Genesis 6:5-6,8,22 […]
Born Again
Bible Matters 104: Born Again A very simple phrase, “Ye must be born again” spoken by Jesus and yet so many people do not understand it. Religions around the world use this phrase as a wake-up call to the lost, but rarely do they explain the meaning. “Born again” is used only three times in […]
Sin No More
Bible Matters 274 Sin No More – Preponderance of Evidence It is clear from bible doctrine that God hates sin. Your walk with Jesus doesn’t start until you repent and turn from your sins. If you think that serving God is acceptable while living a life of sin, then think again. If someone has given […]